1. lamb rib chops on sale for 3.99# at hy-vee. regular price: 19.99#
2. remove lamb chops from package and look them over before marinating
3. feel bad about eating and cooking lamb, while it's in my hand, raw
4. lamb smells great on the grill
5. lamb tastes even better than it smells
6. looking for lamb
6a. since then
6b. every visit to every grocery
6c. not finding the same combination of freshness, cut, or quality for less than 12.99#
6d. blogger reformats this section and takes out the indents
7. while looking, find rosemary mint jelly on clearance; buy it, thinking, "that will be good on lamb rib chops which i will buy again someday" (see above)....
8. two lamb loin chops at super saver for 9.98#, less than six bucks total (also above)
9. jelly turns out to be awful and sour
10. lamb chops grilled, day after bought, with no dressing or marinade used (see further above)
11. lamb smells great on the grill
12. lamb tastes even better than it smells
13. looking for lamb...
So! Lynda from LNKitchen, not only can you cook and spot a deal from across town but you're witty, too. Sorry to hear about the mint jam, sounded pleasant enough.
Hi, Lynda. I found your blog by accident, looking up a local restauraunt. Love your bargain posts - I'll be back!
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